Abbreviation | Meaning |
A | |
A | Ampere(s) |
ABS | Antilock Brake System |
A/C | Air Conditioning |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACC | Accessory, Automatic Climate Control |
ACL | Air Cleaner |
ACR4 | Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Recovery, Recycling, Recharging |
A/D | Analog to Digital |
ADL | Automatic Door Lock |
A/F | Air/Fuel (Ratio) |
AIR | Secondary Air Injection |
ALC | Automatic Level Control |
AM/FM | Amplitude Modulation/Frequency Modulation |
Ant | Antenna |
AP | Accelerator Pedal |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
APP | Accelerator Pedal Position |
APT | Adjustable Part Throttle |
ARS | Automatic Restraint System |
ASR | Acceleration Slip Regulation |
A/T | Automatic Transmission/Transaxle |
ATC | Automatic Temperature Control |
ATDC | After Top Dead Center |
Auto | Automatic |
AUX | Auxiliary |
avg | average |
AWD | All Wheel Drive |
AWG | American Wire Gage |
B | |
B+ | Battery Positive Voltage |
B- | Battery Negative Voltage |
BARO | Barometric (pressure) |
batt | battery |
BBV | Brake Booster Vacuum |
BCM | Body Control Module |
BHP | Brake Horsepower |
BLK | Black |
BLU | Blue |
BP | Back Pressure |
BPM | Brake Pressure Modulator |
BPMV | Brake Pressure Modulator Valve |
BPP | Brake Pedal Position |
BRN | Brown |
BTDC | Before Top Dead Center |
Btu | British thermal units |
C | |
°C | Degrees Celsius |
CAC | Charge Air Cooler |
CAFE | Corporate Average Fuel Economy |
Cal | Calibration |
Cam | Camshaft |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
cc | cubic centimeters |
CCM | Central Control Module |
CCOT | Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube |
CCP | Climate Control Panel |
CD | Compact Disc |
CE | Commutator End |
CEAB | Cold Engine Air Bleed |
CEMF | Counter Electromotive Force |
cfm | cubic feet per minute |
cg | center of gravity |
CID | Cubic Inch Displacement |
CKP | Crankshaft Position |
CKT | Circuit |
CL | Closed Loop |
C/Ltr | Cigar Lighter |
CMP | Camshaft Position |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
Coax | Coaxial |
COMM | Communication |
Conn | Connector |
CPA | Connector Position Assurance |
CPP | Clutch Pedal Position |
CPS | Central Power Supply |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CRTC | Cathode Ray Tube Controller |
CS | Charging System |
CTP | Closed Throttle Position |
cu ft | cubic foot/feet |
cu in | cubic inch/inches |
CV | Constant Velocity (joint) |
CVRSS | Continuously Variable Road Sensing Suspension |
Cyl | Cylinder(s) |
D | |
DAB | Delayed Accessory Bus |
dB | decibels |
dBA | decibels on A-weighted scale |
DC | Direct Current |
DCM | Door Control Module |
DE | Drive End |
DEC | Digital Electronic Controller |
DERM | Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module |
DI | Distributor Ignition |
dia | diameter |
DIC | Driver Information Center |
Diff | Differential |
DK | Dark |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DMM | Digital Multimeter |
DOHC | Dual Overhead Camshafts |
DR | Driver |
DRL | Daytime Running Lamps |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
E | |
EBCM | Electronic Brake Control Module |
EBTCM | Electronic Brake and Traction Control Module |
EC | Electrical Center |
ECC | Electronic Climate Control |
ECI | Extended Compressor at Idle |
ECL | Engine Coolant Level |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECS | Emission Control System |
ECT | Engine Coolant Temperature |
EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EEVIR | Evaporator Equalized Values in Receiver |
EFE | Early Fuel Evaporation |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EGR TVV | Exhaust Gas Recirculation Thermal Vacuum Valve |
EI | Electronic Ignition |
ELAP | Elapsed |
ELC | Electronic Level Control |
E/M | English / Metric |
EMF | Electromotive Force |
Eng | Engine |
EOP | Engine Oil Pressure |
EOT | Engine Oil Temperature |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPR | Exhaust Pressure Regulator |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
ESC | Electronic Suspension Control |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ETC | Electronic Throttle Control, Electronic Temperature Control |
ETCC | Electronic Touch Climate Control |
ETR | Electronically Tuned Receiver |
EVAP | Evaporative Emission |
EVO | Electronic Variable Orifice |
Exh | Exhaust |
F | |
°F | Degrees Fahrenheit |
FC | Fan Control |
FDC | Fuel Data Center |
FED | Federal (all United States except California) |
FEDS | Fuel Enable Data Stream |
FF | Flexible Fuel |
FI | Fuel Injection |
FMVSS | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards |
F/P | Fuel Pump |
ft | foot/feet |
FT | Fuel Trim |
F4WD | Full Time Four Wheel Drive |
4WAL | Four Wheel Antilock |
4WD | Four Wheel Drive |
FW | Flat Wire |
FWD | Front Wheel Drive |
G | |
g | grams, gravitational acceleration |
GA | Gage |
gal | gallon |
gas | gasoline |
GCW | Gross Combination Weight |
Gen | Generator |
GL | Gear Lubricant |
GM | General Motors |
GM SPO | General Motors Service Parts Operations |
gnd | ground |
gpm | gallons per minute |
GRN | Green |
GRY | Gray |
GVWR | Gross Vehicle Weight Rating |
H | |
H | Hydrogen |
H2O | Water |
Harn | Harness |
HC | Hydrocarbons |
H/CMPR | High Compression |
HD | Heavy Duty |
HDC | Heavy Duty Cooling |
hex | hexagon |
Hg | Mercury |
Hi Alt | High Altitude |
HO2S | Heated Oxygen Sensor |
hp | horsepower |
HPL | High Pressure Liquid |
HPS | High Performance System |
HPV | High Pressure Vapor |
Htd | Heated |
HTR | Heater |
HUD | Head-up Display |
HVAC | Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning |
HVACM | Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module |
HVM | Heater Vent Module |
Hz | Hertz |
I | |
IAC | Idle Air Control |
IAT | Intake Air Temperature |
IC | Integrated Circuit, Ignition Control |
ICM | Ignition Control Module |
ID | Identification, Inside Diameter |
IDI | Integrated Direct Ignition |
ign | ignition |
ILC | Idle Load Compensator |
in | inch/inches |
INJ | Injection |
inst | instantaneous |
I/P | Instrument Panel |
IPC | Instrument Panel Cluster |
I/PEC | Instrument Panel Electrical Center |
ISC | Idle Speed Control |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISS | Input Speed Shaft |
K | |
KAM | Keep Alive Memory |
KDD | Keyboard Display Driver |
kg | kilogram |
kHz | kilohertz |
km | kilometer |
km/h | kilometers per hour |
km/l | kilometers per liter |
kPa | kilopascals |
KS | Knock Sensor |
kV | kilovolts |
L | |
L | Liter |
L4 | Four Cylinder Engine, In-line |
L6 | Six Cylinder Engine, In-Line |
lb | pound |
lb ft | pound feet (torque) |
lb in | pound inch (torque) |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LDCL | Left Door Closed Locking |
LDCM | Left Door Control Module |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LF | Left Front |
LH | Left Hand |
lm | lumens |
LR | Left Rear |
lt | left |
LT | Light |
M | |
MAF | Mass Air Flow |
Man | Manual |
MAP | Manifold Absolute Pressure |
MAT | Manifold Absolute Temperature |
max | maximum |
M/C | Mixture Control |
MDP | Manifold Differential Pressure |
MFI | Multiport Fuel Injection |
mi | miles |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
min | minimum |
ml | milliliter |
mm | millimeter |
mpg | miles per gallon |
mph | miles per hour |
ms | millisecond |
MST | Manifold Surface Temperature |
M/T | Manual Transmission/Transaxle |
MV | Megavolt |
mV | millivolt |
N | |
NAES | North American Export Sales |
NC | Normally Closed |
NEG | Negative |
Neu | Neutral |
NLGI | National Lubricating Grease Institute |
N·m | Newton-meter (torque) |
NO | Normally Open |
NOx | Oxides of Nitrogen |
NPTC | National Pipe Thread Coarse |
NPTF | National Pipe Thread Fine |
NVRAM | Non Volatile Random Access Memory |
O | |
O2 | Oxygen |
O2S | Oxygen Sensor |
OBD II | On-Board Diagnostics II |
OC | Oxidation Converter (Catalytic) |
OD | Outside Diameter |
ODO | Odometer |
OE | Original Equipment |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OHC | Overhead Camshaft |
OL | Open Loop |
ORN | Orange |
OSS | Output Shaft Speed |
oz | ounce(s) |
P | |
PAG | Polyalkylene Glycol |
PASS | Passenger |
PASS-Key® | Personalized Automotive Security System |
P/B | Power Brakes |
PC | Pressure Control |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCM | Powertrain Control Module |
PCS | Pressure Control Solenoid |
PCV | Positive Crankcase Ventilation |
PM | Permanent Magnet (Generator) |
P/N | Part Number |
PNK | Pink |
PNP | Park/Neutral Position |
PRNDL | Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, Low |
POA | Pilot Operated Absolute (Valve) |
POS | Positive |
POT | Potentiometer (Variable Resistor) |
PPL | Purple |
ppm | parts per million |
PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory |
P/S | Power Steering |
PSD | Power Sliding Door |
PSP | Power Steering Pressure |
psi | pounds per square inch |
psia | pounds per square inch absolute |
psig | pounds per square inch gage |
pt | pint |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulated |
Q | |
qt | quart(s) |
R | |
R-12 | Refrigerant-12 |
R-134a | Refrigerant-134a |
RAM | Random Access Memory (non permanent memory devise, memory contents are lost when power is removed) |
RAP | Retained Accessory Power |
RAV | Remote Activation Verification |
RCDLR | Remote Control Door Lock Receiver |
RDCM | Right Door Control Module |
Ref | Reference |
Rev | Reverse |
RF | Right Front, Radio Frequency |
RFA | Remote Function Actuation |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RH | Right Hand |
RKE | Remote Keyless Entry |
Rly | Relay |
ROM | Read Only Memory (permanent memory devise, memory contents are retained when power is removed) |
RPM | Engine Speed (Revolutions Per Minute) |
RPO | Regular Production Option |
RR | Right Rear |
rt | right |
RTD | Real Time Damping |
RTV | Room Temperature Vulcanizing (sealer) |
RWAL | Rear Wheel Antilock |
RWD | Rear Wheel Drive |
S | |
s | second(s) |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SC | Supercharger |
SCB | Supercharger Bypass |
SCM | Seat Control Module |
SDM | Sensing and Diagnostic Module |
SEO | Special Equipment Option |
SFI | Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection |
SI | System International (modern version of metric system) |
SIR | Supplemental Inflatable Restraint |
SLA | Short/Long Arm (suspension) |
sol | solenoid |
SO2 | Sulfur Dioxide |
SP | Splice Pack |
SPO | Service Parts Operations |
sq ft | square foot/feet |
sq in | square inch/inches |
SRC | Service Ride Control |
SRI | Service Reminder Indicator |
ST | Scan Tool |
S4WD | Selectable Four Wheel Drive |
Sw | Switch |
syn | synchronizer |
T | |
Tach | Tachometer |
TBI | Throttle Body Fuel Injection |
TC | Turbocharger |
TCC | Torque Converter Clutch |
TCS | Traction Control System |
TDC | Top Dead Center |
TEMP | Temperature |
Term | Terminal |
TFP | Transmission Fluid Pressure |
TFT | Transmission Fluid Temperature |
TOC | Transmission Oil Cooler |
TP | Throttle Position |
TPA | Terminal Positive Assurance |
TPM | Tire Pressure Monitoring |
TR | Transmission Range |
TRANS | Transmission/Transaxle |
TV | Throttle Valve |
TVRS | Television and Radio Suppression |
TVV | Thermal Vacuum Valve |
TWC | Three Way Converter (Catalytic) |
TWC+OC | Three Way + Oxidation Converter (Catalytic) |
TXV | Thermal Expansion Valve |
U | |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit |
U/H | Underhood |
U/HEC | Underhood Electrical Center |
U-joint | Universal Joint |
UTD | Universal Theft Deterrent |
UV | Ultraviolet |
V | |
V | Volt(s), Voltage |
V6 | Six Cylinder Engine, V-Type |
V8 | Eight Cylinder Engine, V-Type |
Vac | Vacuum |
VAC | Vehicle Access Code |
VATS | Vehicle Anti-Theft System |
VCM | Vehicle Control Module |
VDOT | Variable Displacement Orifice Tube |
VDV | Vacuum Delay Valve |
vel | velocity |
VES | Variable Effort Steering |
VF | Vacuum Fluorescent |
VIO | Violet |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number |
VMV | Vacuum Modulator Valve |
VR | Voltage Regulator |
V ref | Voltage Reference |
VSS | Vehicle Speed Sensor |
W | |
w/ | with |
W/B | Wheel Base |
WHL | Wheel |
WHT | White |
w/o | without |
WOT | Wide Open Throttle |
W/P | Water Pump |
W/S | Windshield |
WSS | Wheel Speed Sensor |
WU-OC | Warm Up Oxidation Converter (Catalytic) |
WU-TWC | Warm Up Three Way Converter (Catalytic) |
X | |
X-valve | Expansion valve |
Y | |
yd | yard(s) |
YEL | Yellow |
The following list contains engine emission control terms and acronyms used by Saturn Corporation. Saturn Service Publications use these terms and acronyms, many of which are similar or identical to former Saturn terms. The list is consistent with he SAE 1930 document. Recommended practice is geared toward standardizing terminology across all automobile manufacturers.
ACL | Air Cleaner |
A/C Pressure Sensor | Air Conditioning Pressure Sensor |
AIR | Secondary Air Injection |
AIR Pump | Secondary Air Injection Pump |
CL | Closed Loop |
CKP Sensor | Crankshaft Position Sensor |
CMP Sensor | Camshaft Position Sensor |
CTP | Closed Throttle Plate |
DLC | Data Link Connector |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
ECM | Engine Control Module |
ECT Sensor | Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor |
EEPROM | Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EGR | Exhaust Gas Recirculation |
EI | Electronic Ignition |
EOP Switch | Engine Oil Pressure Switch |
EPROM | Erasable Read Only Memory |
EVAP System | Evaporative Emission Control System |
FC Relay | Fan Control Relay |
FP | Fuel Pump |
HO2S | Heated Oxygen Sensor |
IAC Valve | Idle Air Control Valve |
IAT Sensor | Intake Air Temperature Sensor |
IC (Ignition Control) | Electronic Ignition System |
ISS | Input Speed Sensor |
KS | Knock Sensor |
Long Term FT | Long Term Fuel Trim |
MAF Sensor | Mass Air Flow Sensor |
MAP Sensor | Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor |
MIL | Malfunction Indicator Lamp |
OBD II | On-Board Diagnostics Generation II |
OC | Oxidation Catalytic Converter (Pre-Converter) |
OL | Open Loop |
OSS | Output Speed Sensor |
O2S | Oxygen Sensor |
PCM | Powertrain Control Module |
PCV Valve | Positive Crankcase Ventilation Valve |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
SFI | Sequential Fuel Injection |
Short Term FT | Short Term Fuel Trim |
ST Data | Scan Tool Data |
TC | Transaxle Control |
TCC Solenoid | Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid |
TFT Sensor | Transaxle Fluid Temperature Sensor |
TP Sensor | Throttle Position Sensor |
TWC | Three-Way Catalyst (Main Converter) |
TWC + OC | Three-Way + Oxidation Catalytic Converter (Pre and Main Converter) |
WOT | Wide Open Throttle |