This information provides repair recommendations and general guidelines for steel classified as Ultra High Strength Dual Phase Steel (Dual Phase Steel with a tensile strength greater than 800 MPa), also known as DPX.
General Motors recommends the following when repairing or replacing this type of steel during collision repair.
• | Repair of this type of steel is not recommended. |
• | This type of steel should be replaced at factory joints only. Sectioning or partial replacement is not recommended. |
• | The use of heat to repair damage is not recommended for this type of steel. |
• | Stitch Welding is not recommended for this type of steel. |
• | This classification of steel can not be used as a backing reinforcement or a sleeve for a sectioning joint, unless a specific procedure is available. |
Recommended Repairs:
• | Squeeze Resistance Spot Welding can be used to replace factory spot welds, where applicable. |
• | MIG plug welding can be used to replace factory spot welds. |
• | MIG Brazing can be used to replace factory spot welds. |