Subject: | Service Manual Update for 2003 ION-Series Volume I Preliminary Service Manual
Regarding Ignition Lock Cylinder Replacement/Removal Procedure and ION Ignition Cylinder
and Key Code Information in the 2003 Key Code Manual. |
Models: | 2003 Saturn ION Series |
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide a revised Ignition Cylinder Removal
Procedure due to changes that occurred after the published procedure was written.
Also provided in this bulletin is information pertaining to the lookup of the key
code for either cutting keys or building ignition lock cylinders. Please obtain all
2003 ION Volume I Preliminary Service Manuals and 2003 Key Code Manuals at your location
and update as indicated below.
• | Make photocopies of this bulletin as needed. |
• | Cross out steps 5 through 8 located on page 2-52 under the
"Removal Procedure" in the 2003 ION Volume I Preliminary Service Manual with
a marker or pen and replace with new steps 5 through 9 below: |
| 5. Depress the first retainer through the lock housing access hole (2)
with a small allen wrench or similar pick-type tool. The lock cylinder will back out
slightly. |
| 6. Depress the second retainer through the lock housing access hole (1)
and the lock cylinder will back out slightly again. |
| 7. Pull the lock cylinder out enough to locate the second retainer to the lock
housing access hole (2) release from the housing |
| 8. Depress the retainer a second time through the access hole (2). The
ignition cylinder should release from the housing. If not, it may be necessary to
move the cylinder in and out several times to locate the retainer correctly in the
hole. |
| 9. Remove the lock cylinder from the lock housing. |
• | Turn to page 0-25 and cross out the whole section "Removing the
Ignition Lock from the Column" with a marker or pen and write in the words "Refer
to Page 2-25 for procedure". |
• | Make photocopies of the "IMPORTANT" statement below and insert photocopy
between pages 206-207 in the 2003 Key Code Manual. |
Key Code Information
Important: When obtaining the Key Code for a 2003 Saturn ION, the code listed in this manual
contains all ten cut positions for each code. However, the ION only uses cut positions
2 through 10. Therefore, always disregard the first number of each key code when building
up an ignition lock cylinder, or when cutting a new key. The first cut position was
eliminated during the 1997 model year with the introduction of the second design key
(round head). However, to avoid confusion, all previously published key code materials
removed the number for the first cut position. Therefore, with a marker or pen, please
cross out the first number of each code listed under the ignition column.