Removal Procedure
- Raise and suitably support the hood.
- Remove the hood secondary catch and primary latch. Refer to
Hood Primary and Secondary Latch Replacement
- Gently pry the hood primary latch release cable handle (1) from
the lower instrument panel (2) using a taped flat bladed screwdriver.
- Remove the hood primary latch release cable from the hood primary latch
release cable handle (1).
- Remove the two left wheel house panel inner fasteners, to
access cable.
- Attach
a piece of mechanic's wire (1) to both ends of the hood primary latch release
cable (2).
- Pull the cable (1) from the grommet (2)
and out of the interior of the vehicle.
- Remove the hood primary latch release cable from the vehicle.
- Remove
the mechanic's wire (1) from the cable (2). Leave the mechanic's wire (1)
in position to aid in the cable (2) installation process.
Installation Procedure
- Attach
the mechanic's wire (1) to the hood primary latch release cable (2).
- Guide the hood primary latch release cable into the vehicle with mechanic's
wire (1).
- Remove the mechanic's wire (1) from the hood primary latch release
cable (2).
- Install the hood primary latch release cable (2) to the hood primary
latch release cable handle.
- Install the hood primary latch release cable handle (1) to the lower
instrument panel (2).
- Guide
the cable (2) into position and remove the mechanic's wire (1).
- Install the hood primary latch release cable (1) to the hood secondary
catch and primary latch (2).
- Install the hood secondary catch and primary latch. Refer to
Hood Primary and Secondary Latch Replacement
- Install the two left wheel house panel inner fasteners.
- Lower the hood.