Voltage is applied at all times to the cigar lighter through the CIG LTR AUX POWER fuse in the Fuse Block and the cigar lighter feed circuit. The cigar lighter has a heating element. Pushing the cigar lighter all of the way into the mounting completes the circuit to ground through the cigar lighter ground and heats the cigar lighter heating element. When the element is sufficiently heated, the cigar lighter is released from the mounting through thermal expansion of the mounting and the circuit is opened.
An auxiliary power outlet is provided adjacent to the cigar lighter to power customer owned and maintained equpment. Voltage is applied at all times to the auxiliary outlet through the CIG LTR AUX POWE fuse in the Fuse Block and the auxiliary power feed circuit. A ground circuit is also provided as a portion of this same outlet.
An auxiliary power drop connector is also provided for the installation of various types of accessories that require a more permanent type of connection. The connector, located under the right hand side of the IP, contains two B+ circuits -- one supplied from the CIG LTR AUX POWE fuse in the Fuse Block and the other is supplied through the POWER DROP fuse in the Fuse Block. A ground circuit is provided through groung G 200. A serial data communications circuit is also provided for equipment that requires the capability to communicate with control modules on the vehicle.
Voltage is applied at all times fro the battery through the CIG AUX fuse in the Fuse Block
.Voltage is supplied when the ignition switch is in RUN, BULB TEST and START through the POWER DROP fuse in the Fuse Block.
Ground is also supplied to the auxiliary power drop connector.