This bulletin revises the door adjustment procedure and the hinge assembly replacement procedure as shown under "Door Hinge System" on pages 10-6-21, 10-6-22, and 10-6-23 of the 1991 Eighty Eight Service Manual.
- Adjust door up, down, in or out by loosening bolts on door side of hinge and repositioning door as needed.
- Adjust door fore or aft by loosening nuts on pillar side of hinge and repositioning door as needed.
1. Remove the following:
- Front wheel - Fender wheel opening molding - Wheelhouse panel - Fender insulator - Fender molding
2. Remove six fender screws (1)
3. Remove nut (2) and any adjustment shims. Note number and location of shims for installation reference.
4. Remove bolt (3) at bottom of fender. Note position of bolt for installation reference.
5. Remove bracket screw (4).
6. Prop fender with a wood block.
7. Mark position of door hinge on door for installation reference, then support door with a wood block and a floor jack as shown.
8. Remove bolts (6) on door side of hinge.
9. Remove nuts (7) and hinge.
1. Install hinge and attaching nuts (7) on pillar side of hinge.
2. Install bolts (6) on door side of hinge, aligning door with reference marks.
3. Remove support from door.
4. Check door-to-body alignment and adjust as necessary.
5. Remove wood block from fender.
6. Install bracket screw (4).
7. Install bolt (3) at bottom of fender.
8. Install nut (2) and any adjustment shims.
9. Install six fender screws (1).
10. Install fender molding, fender insulator, wheelhouse panel, fender wheel opening molding, and front wheel.
1. Mark position of door hinge on door for installation reference, then support door with a wood block and a floor jack.
2. Remove bolts (4) on door side of hinge.
3. Remove nuts (2) and hinge.
1. Install hinge and attaching nuts (2) on pillar side of hinge.
2. Install bolts (4) on door side of hinge, aligning door with reference marks.
3. Remove support from door.
4. Check door-to-body alignment and adjust as necessary.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.