CONDITION: Some 1989-91 Cutlass Ciera and Cutlass Cruiser models with the 3.3L (VIN N) engine may exhibit power steering shudder, a pulsing or resonating disturbance that the vehicle operator may hear and feel through the body structure and steering wheel. This condition is most apparent at low engine RPM and/or while making low speed turns.
CAUSE: A combination of power steering pump pressure pulses and engine firing frequency generating a disturbance transmitted through the body structure.
CORRECTION: Utilizing the inspection/Analysis Chart shown below, determine which of the power steering or engine components indicated have NOT been previously installed on the suspect vehicle.
INSPECTION/ANALYSIS CHART -------------------------
OTHER PART PART VIN BREAK INSPECTION STEP DESCRIPTION NUMBER POINT NOTES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Power steering 26030820 N/A New tuned hoses internal inlet/pressure metal cores. To check, hose place magnet on hoses. New hoses will attract magnet original hoses will not.
B Power steering 26017135 N/A IMPORTANT: Check both outlet/return hoses. One or both may re- hose (steering quire replacement. gear to cooler pipe
C Power steering 26030491 Ste. Therese There are no obvious ex- pump M2339133 ternal differences between original and new pumps. Okla. City Use VIN Break Point to M6323344 determine if replacement is required.
D Crankshaft 12339997 Start of New isolated crankshaft balancer kit Production balancer/pulley assembly 1991 is approximately 2 inches in width, while old style is only about 1 inch in width.
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Install those components not found on the vehicle after performing the above inspection, following applicable service manual procedures and in the case of the crankshaft balancer kit, those indicated on the next page:
Remove or Disconnect:
1. Negative battery cable.
2. Serpentine belt.
3. Raise car and suitably support, see Section OA.
4. Right front wheel and tire assembly.
5. Inner fender splash shield (right side).
6. Torque converter cover.
7. Hold flywheel with J 37096.
8. Balancer bolt.
9. Crankshaft balancer.
1. Crankshaft balancer.
o Lubricate seal surface with engine oil.
2. Balancer bolt and washer.
o Hold flywheel with J 37096.
o Balancer bolt to 140 N-m(103 lbs.ft.).
- Loosen bolt to finger tight.
- Utilizing tool J 36660, retorque to 150 N.m (110 lbs. ft.) plus 56 degrees.
3. Inner fender splash shield.
4. Right front wheel and tire assembly.
5. Torque converter cover.
6. Lower car.
7. Serpentine belt.
8. Negative battery cable.
Use appropriate Labor Operation Number and Time. Additional labor time to complete the repair should be submitted as required in straight time.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.