- Place the axle in a suitable support.
- Remove the bolts from the cover and the cover. This will drain
the oil.
- Pull the axle shafts out of the axle housing to the point where
the axle shafts are clear of the differential case.
- Remove the bearing cap bolts.
Important: Corresponding letters are stamped on the bearing caps and axle housing.
The bearing caps must be reassembled exactly as removed.
- Remove the bearing caps.
- Assemble the J 24385-C
to the differential housing.
Notice: You may use the older style gage set if you already have them. The new
style gages use the bearings as part of the gage system, while the older style
uses a master block that acts as a master bearing.
- Assemble the J 39704
- Preset the gage to a minimum of 5 mm (0.200 in).
Rotate the indicator housing to zero on the dial.
Notice: Do not spread the axle housing more than 0.38 mm (0.015 inch).
Overspreading the housing may result in component damage.
- Spread the housing while examining the J 39704
- Remove the case from the
housing using two pry bars.
- Remove the J 24385-C
from the housing.
Important: Mark the bearing cups left and right and place each bearing cup with
the corresponding proper bearing cap.
- Remove the bearing caps.
Important: Mark the bearings left and right and place each bearings with the corresponding
set of bearing cap and cup.
- Remove the bearings using the J 8107-2
J 29721
and J 29721-70
Important: Mark the shims left or right.
- Remove the shims.
- Check the outboard spacers for damage such as bends or deep groves
caused by worn bearings. Replace any damaged spacers at the time of assembly.
- Place towels over the jaws of the vice. Place the differential
case in the vice
Important: Replace the ring gear bolts with new ones at the time of assembly.
- Remove the ring gear bolts. Discard the ring gear bolts.
Notice: Do not pry the ring gear from the case. This will damage the ring gear
and differential case.
- Remove the lock pin screw.
- Remove the pinion shaft
using a hammer and brass drift.
- Rotate the side gears
until the pinion gears are in the opening of the case. Remove the pinion
gears and thrust washers.
Important: Mark the side gears and thrust washers left and right
- Remove the side gears and thrust washers.
- Replace the cover using two bolts in order to keep the pinion
from falling.
- Measure the drive pinion
rotating torque. Record
the measurement.
- Check for looseness of the pinion assembly by moving the assembly
back and forth. Looseness indicates excessive bearing or pinion wear.
- Remove the pinion nut
and washer using the J 8614-01
in order to hold the
- Remove the pinion flange
using the J 8614-01
- Use a soft-faced hammer to tap the pinion in order to remove the
pinion from the pinion bore.
- Remove the cover and the pinion from the vehicle.
Important: Keep the shims together
- Remove the pinion preload shims.
- Remove the pinion seal.
- Remove the outer bearing and oil slinger.
- Remove the pinion outer bearing cups from the axle using J 39330
Important: Keep the shims together.
- Remove the pinion outer adjusting shims and baffle, if used.
- Remove the pinion inner bearing cup using the J 39331
Important: Keep the shims together
- Remove the pinion outer adjusting shims and baffle, if used.
- Remove the pinion inner
bearing using the J 29721
and the J 29721-70