Subject: | No Reverse Hot, Transaxle Slips In Reverse When Hot, Bump In Reverse Hot
(Retighten Valve Body Bolt (379) and Replace Channel Plate Gasket) |
| with 4T65-E Transaxle (RPO's
MN3, MN7, M15 or M76) |
Some customers may comment that the vehicle slips in reverse when hot, no reverse
when hot, or they feel a bump when shifted into reverse when hot.
There are multiple possible causes. Listed below are some of the possible causes:
ā¢ | Low Transaxle fluid level. |
ā¢ | Reverse Servo Cover snap ring out of retaining groove. |
ā¢ | Reverse Servo Piston seal rolled or cut. |
ā¢ | Channel Plate flatness out of specification. |
ā¢ | Channel Plate alignment holes improper depth. |
ā¢ | Valve Body bolt (379) incorrectly torqued. |
Follow the procedure below for diagnostic tips and repair procedures.
- Inspect the reverse cover retaining ring for proper seating/retention.
ā¢ | If the ring is incorrectly seated, reset the retaining ring. |
ā¢ | If the retaining ring is properly seated, continue with the next step. |
- Perform a transaxle line pressure check in reverse. This will test the
reverse servo piston seal for leaks. Refer to Line Pressure Check Procedure, SI Document
ID #634307.
ā¢ | If the line pressure test is out of specification, inspect/repair the
reverse servo piston seal. Refer to: |
- | Reverse Servo Replacement w/3.4L Engine SI Document ID #1485540 |
- | Reverse Servo Replacement w/3.8L Engine SI Document ID #1485543 |
ā¢ | If the line pressure test is within specification, continue with the next
step. |
- Remove the transaxle side cover. Refer to the appropriate SI Document.
- Inspect valve body bolt (379) for breakaway torque
of 16NĀ·m(11 lb ft).
ā¢ | If valve body bolt (379) is found loose, replace the channel plate gaskets,
P/N 24206391, and retighten the valve body. Refer to Control Valve Body Replacement
SI Document ID #839835. |
ā¢ | If the valve body bolt is found not to be loose, continue with the next
step. |
- For additional reverse diagnostic information, refer to Slips in Reverse
or No Reverse SI Document ID #54866.
Parts Information
Part Number
| Description
| Qty
| Gasket Kit, A/Trans Case Cvr
| 1
Parts are currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:
Labor Operation
| Description
| Labor Time
| Gasket, Channel Plate, Replace
| Use Published Labor Time