Replacement part numbers listed in this section are based on the latest information available at the time of printing, and are subject to change. If a part listed in this manual is not the same as the part used in your vehicle when it was built, or if you have any questions, please contact your GM dealer.
These specifications are for information only. If you have any questions, see the service manual for the chassis or refer to the body manufacturer's publications.
VIN Code | V | T | Z | U | G |
Oil Filter* | PF44 | PF44 | PF44 | PF44 | PF454 |
Engine Air Cleaner /Filter* | A1519C†| A1519C†| A1519C†| A1518C | A1518C |
Passenger Compartment Air Filter Kit** | 52485513 | 52485513 | 52485513 | 52485513 | 52485513 |
PCV Valve* | CV2001-C | CV2001-C | CV2001-C | CV2001-C | -- |
Spark Plugs††| 41-974* /PZTR5A15††| 41-974* /PZTR5A15††| 41-974* /PZTR5A15††| 41-974* /PZTR5A15††| 41-983* |
Fuel Filter* | GF626 | GF626 | GF626 | GF626 | GF626 |
Wiper Blades (Front)** | 15153642 | 15153642 | 15153642 | 15153642 | 15153642 |
Wiper Blade Type (Front) | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA |
Wiper Blade Length (Front) | 22 inches (56.0 cm) | 22 inches (56.0 cm) | 22 inches (56.0 cm) | 22 inches (56.0 cm) | 22 inches (56.0 cm) |
Wiper Blades (Rear)** | 22154396 | 22154396 | 22154396 | 22154396 | 22154396 |
Wiper Blade Type (Rear) | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA | ITTA |
Wipe Blade Length (Rear) | 18 inches (45.0 cm) | 18 inches (45.0 cm) | 18 inches (45.0 cm) | 18 inches (45.0 cm) | 18 inches (45.0 cm) |
*ACDelco part number **GM part number ***Denso part number †A1518C high-capacity air cleaner filter may be substituted. ††Spark Plug Gap is 0.060 inches ††°NGK part number |