Solid (not "scarf cut") turbine shaft seals are used on 1987 THM 700-R4 transmissions that have an auxiliary valve body assembly (AUX VB). Refer to Chevrolet Dealer Service Bulletin 87-56 (Section 7A) dated January 1987 for details on identifying 1987 transmissions with or without an AUX VB.
If solid seals are not used during overhaul service on a 1987 THM 700-R4 transmission with an AUX VB, conditions of drive in neutral range and/or burnt clutches can occur.
Solid seals are not included in overhaul kits part number 8649965 (seals and gaskets) or 8649960 (complete). Solid seals are available separately by ordering part number 8667035 (4 seals per package).
Use Kent-Moore service tools J-36418-1 and 2 to install and size solid turbine shaft seals. Note: The sizing tool must be altered to work properly. Grind the flange off of the sizing tool. The flange, during use, contacts the housing preventing sizing of the lowest seal.
Information in this bulletin is not in your 1987 Service Manual.
General Motors bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians, not a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform those technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or to provide information that could assist in the proper service of a vehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment, tools, safety instructions and know-how to do a job properly and safely. If a condition is described, do not assume that the bulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will have that condition. See a General Motors dealer servicing your brand of General Motors vehicle for information on whether your vehicle may benefit from the information.